South Africa

This page contains some information specific to South Africa that may help you locate materials for the class.  Please let me know if links on this website do not work.  Thank you in advance! 

Four steps to start The Edison Project:

  1. Register for "The Edison Project"  
  2. Purchase Lab Equipment from Edu-Kits, C&S or other online sources.  Be sure you purchase the exact kit.  You will need the SC-750 manufactured by Elenco.  One SA parent reports that it takes about ten days to receive the kit form Have2Have.   
  3. Download (free) and print or save the manual here for use with the class.

  4. I don't ship to South Africa, but you can take a look at the Digital Multimeter that will be used in the class here.  You will need to purchase a multimeter that will measure DC currents less than 1mA.  If you don't have a multimeter, you can get one at your local Midas for about R60 or order one from MIDAS or RABTRON.  It's cheap and great for beginners.  Since the meter I use online looks like this one, it will make learning easy.      

PLEASE NOTE:  Quick Study Labs does not recommend or endorse any of the above companies, as we have not done business with any of them.  These links and suggestions are from other homeschool parents in South Africa and are for your benefit only.  Use at your own risk.  You may know other sources that you would like to recommend from experience.  If you do, please let me know.  Also, please let me know if you receive good service from any of these sources.  Thank you!