Quick Study Labs, Home of The Edison Project!
Registration Form
Class Parent Name   Student                     Phone Numbers Posting Picture     Student Has Parental Consent Today's 
Registering for First Last First Last Email Age Gender Birth Day Address City State Zip/Postal Country Cell Phone Second Phone Consent Y/N Time Zone How did you find Quick Study Labs Y/N Date
Ex.  555-555-5555 If I/we send photos, you have  Students will need parental supervision
EMAIL to:  mr.p@quickstudylabs.com my permission to use them to As the learning coach, I accept full 
promote Quick Study Labs.   Responsibility for the safety of this student.
STOP READ:  Three Steps:  
1.  Copy this entire page including the instructions below.
2.  Next, click on the email address above.  A new email should appear.
3.  Last step, paste this information into your email, fill it out, and send.  
If this does not work for you, please email me at the address above and I will send this to you directly.  
ATTENTION:  Please use proper capitalization and punctuation.  All non-correct or non-complete 
forms will be discarded and your registration will be terminated.  This information is used to print 
the certificates at the end of summer.  One form for each student please. 
Directions:  Fill in all yellow areas below the headings.  The last heading is today's date.  
Please use the correct class names.  You can get them from:
www.quickstudylabs.com http://www.quickstudylabs.com 
Please feel free to share a blank from with all homeschool curriculum advisors, parents,
 and with all who would like to involve their child or association in FUN SUMMER SCIENCE!   
Summer Club and Kid’s Club are FREE!  Summer Club science is done with things you have around your home. 
All other classes are $65 per quarter and require lab equipment.  
Privacy Policy:  Registration information is used by Quick Study Labs to create 
certificates at the end of summer and to communicate with students and parents. 
 Students are not allowed to communicate with each other and your personal 
information is not shared with other students or anyone.