The NASA DEVELOP program is currently seeking
applicants for its summer 2011 term. We would greatly appreciate your help in
sharing this with your students. DEVELOP is
a paid
NASA Science Mission Directorate Applied Sciences training and development
program. Through DEVELOP students conduct science research projects that
demonstrate to community leaders how NASA science measurements and predictions
can be utilized to address local community concerns and public policy impacts.
Each DEVELOP project employs remote sensing applications and is student
led under the guidance and support of science advisors from NASA and partner
agencies. Consistent with the goals
of the Applied Sciences Program, these projects are designed to fit into one or
more of NASA’s Applications of National Priority, which include air quality,
agriculture, natural disasters, ecological forecasting, public health, water
resources, weather and climate.
Students should expect to spend
much of their time researching the scope of their project, employing NASA remote
sensing information to address the needs of partners and end-users, as well as
creating visualizations to properly display their data. Students will be
expected to present their projects through PowerPoint and poster presentations.
Benefits of
completing an internship through DEVELOP for Biology students include:
The summer 2011 term will begin
June 6 and end August 12. Dedicated
students with a strong interest in remote sensing and/or earth sciences
regardless of major are encouraged
to apply. Applications must be
postmarked by Monday February 28, 2011.
forward this message to any students you feel may be interested in this
paid internship opportunity. More information, the list of locations of
DEVELOP programs, and the application can be found at I have also attached the application
for your convenience. If you have any questions, desire further information, or
would like a presentation to be given to students in your department please feel
free to contact me.
Sincerely, Josh
Stodghill Student
Director - NASA DEVELOP Program