Projects and Topics for Edison Project 6

In Edison Project VI we are going to discover some new ways of looking at the world around us.  Here are just a few of the exciting circuit and concepts we will learn about. 

  1. Learn what is inside a diode, transistor, and LED that makes them work.   How do they do such amazing stuff?

  2. Learn how to design your own biasing circuit for a transistor switch.  

  3. More on Transistor Amplifiers.

  4. Build motor control circuits that can even reverse the direction a motor turns!

  5. Build a complete AM RADIO out of nothing but parts!  HONEST!  

  6. Learn about motion detectors, burglar alarms, and fiber optics. 

  7. Can you build a circuit that will let you know when the mail has arrived?  You will be able to!

  8. Use a beam of light to STOP a motor from running. 

  9. Learn about Digital logic circuits like computers use and then we will build and test some logic circuits. 

  10. MORE fun than you can imagine!  The Edison Projects just keeps getting better and better!