Cool NASA space station flash video



NASA came to our campus (Southwest Campus of Bishop State Community College, formerly Southwest State Technical College) on Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011,  to invite us to participate in the NASA DEVELOP Program.  Josh Stodghill gave an excellent presentation highlighting a previous project and provided us with information about the program.   These guys loved it!  For information how you can get involved, keep reading. 


Josh explained that this is a PAID opportunity to work with other students to use the full resources of NASA's remote sensing capabilities to do "real" scientific researches on projects that can aid the scientific community and the community at large.  The project Josh worked on last year was a project to determine the effectiveness of two different satellite systems to predict wind speeds at ground level.   This research will be a driving force in updating and securing future satellites for use in weather observation.  Although Josh was recruiting students this summer, the DEVELOP program is ongoing and students will also be needed for future projects.   

·         Who can participate in the NASA DEVELOP Mobile Program?

o   College Students

o   High School Students

o   Homeschool Students who are in High School

·         Where?

o   The meetings for the group will be healed at the Mobile Health Department,  251 N. Bayou St., Mobile, AL. 


·         When?      

o   The meetings of the research group will be arranged by the group.  It is expected that there will be much flexibility in working hours. 

o   Download application forms and other information about the NASA program from their website or you can contact Josh Stodghill by phone or email. 251.544.2123 


Mr. Phillips
Think Quick --- Quick Study Labs